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Selling Your Colorado Condo

The art of selling a condo in Colorado is much the same as a typical home sale with a few differences. The process of creating curb appeal is much more centralized in the case of a townhome-style condo and virtually non-existent in a high-rise or low-rise situation. One bonus to this is the fact that it frees up a large amount of time for you to spend on detailing the interior of your condo. Hopefully, the building management will keep up the exterior, keeping it clean and attractive to buyers. It is, of course, in their best interest to do so. 


Creating a good selling environment is all about the proper utilization of the available space. As most condos are smaller than the average home, maximizing the available space is critical. It is very important to keep clutter and mess out of view, and preferably out of the condo. Another good idea is to have as much information as is available about the building and management for the visitor’s benefit. Buyers will be more confident about purchasing your condo if they know about the people and companies involved in the day to day operations of the complex. 


Like any home, your condo should be clean and staged appropriately for the sale. Make sure any architectural features that are desirable are featured prominently. Condos, especially high-rise condos have a visual/view element that can be played upon heavily. If there is a balcony make sure that it too is organized and uncluttered. Also ask your realtor if there are any little things that you can do to improve the show quality of your condo. You never know what will catch someone’s eye, so try to cover all the bases!


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